Azena Property Management is now BBB Accredited! It’s just fantastic!

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We’re very happy to announce that Azena Property Management in Moncton. is now accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB)!

Getting accredited was very important for us as we wanted to join this community of trustworthy businesses. In our constant effort to be a trusted business, we strive to build a more prosperous marketplace for our clients. Our BBB rating assures our clients that we are following honest, ethical practices.

It’s an honor to be accredited by this established non-profit organization, as not all businesses meet eligibility standards. Being BBB accredited means that we accept BBB standards, which is a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, and best practices on how businesses treat customers. These standards call for building trust, advertising honestly, embodying integrity and being truthful. Furthermore, to maintain the accreditation, businesses must be transparent, responsive to their clients, honor their promises and safeguard their privacy.

Thanks to our customers for your trust in our company.

See our Pricing for Long-term rentals

See our Pricing for Vacation rentals

OUR SERVICES (Long-term rentals)

Property Advertising: Your property will be inspected and be rent ready by Azena Property Management Inc., located in Moncton, New Brunswick. A marketing campaign is used across various platforms. Professional photos, a 3D virtual tour, communication with prospect tenants, an online application, an extra document to the lease agreement that has been professionally drafted, move-in and move-out inspections with video, and much more, are all included!

Tenant Screening: All applications that Azena Property Management receive undergo rigorous screening to ensure we only place highly qualified tenants! To keep you safe, we verify their credit record, criminal history, social media accounts, references, employment, income and ID.

Rent Collection: Getting your rent payment on time should not be a guessing game. Azena provides one of the best Property Management in Moncton, New Brunswick, with all the Guarantees that comes with our Services. We manage all billing through our software, maintain track of all tenants’ accounts and deposit your money into your bank account on time each month.

Maintenance: We know how to maintain your property in top shape.  All maintenance and emergency requests, associated billing and overall coordination are handled by us for you. We provide 24/7 service!

Financial Reporting: By giving you access to performance tracking and producing monthly reports for your property, we guarantee complete transparency. To look, simply log in at any time to your online Owner Portal.

Online Portal: Azena Property Management Inc. will soon integrate with one of the best property management software, Buildium. Additionally, you can login in your IOS or Android with the application! It gives the ability for tenants to request maintenance, pay rent and more. Owners can view their earnings, expenses and more with ease.

Property Inspections: On a predetermined schedule, we do exterior periodic inspections to check for damage that has to be repaired, safety risks, code violations, lease violations, etc. We send the owner updates on the property’s condition. In addition, we recommend scheduling a preventive maintenance assessment with photos and checklists every six months or one year (extra fee).

Lease: With the tenant, we go over and sign the lease document, which also has an additional Appendix with extra rules and regulations. It’s done either in person or online through e-Signature. We then set up an automated rent payments after the tenant signs an Electronic Funds Transfer Payment (EFT) form.

OUR GUARANTEES (Long-term rentals)

Leasing Guarantee: If the tenant we have placed is evicted in the first 12 months, we will advertise the property and screen prospective tenants again, FREE of charge!

Results Guarantee: Don’t pay us the ”Leasing Fee’, nor the ”Management Fee” until we produce! When leasing your property, we do all the work up front and you don’t pay us until the tenant moves-in.

Legal Compliance Guarantee: Our lease agreement appendix, which is an extra 7 pages of rules and regulations that we add on top of the New Brunswick ”Standard form of lease”, has been reviewed and approved by one of the top Moncton real estate law firm. The basic NB Standard form of lease is not enough to protect you! All our other legal documents and procedures have also been reviewed and approved.

Eviction Guarantee: If the qualified tenant we have placed must be evicted, we pay the Eviction Fees! Our careful screening process helps us avoid most tenant issues, but if a rental situation ever takes a turn for the worse, we will take the necessary steps to evict the occupant.

Privacy Guarantee: All sensitive information, units’ keys and documents related to your rental property will be protected from unauthorized access. All property keys are well protected and there is no address on the tags for safety reasons.

Payment Guarantee: If the tenant does not pay their rent as agreed, you don’t pay us our management fee. We are only paid when you are.

No Markup Guarantee: Materials for maintenance will be charged at cost, no markup!

Overall, if you want a trustworthy company to take care of your properties, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Azena Property Management Inc. BBB accredited business profile
BBB Accreditation

Kamil Kalbarczyk
CEO & Founder
Azena Property Management Inc.
581 Charline avenue, Dieppe, NB, E1A 1C7
(506) 805-5050

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